Time flies, it`s Chinese New Year time!!!
What do you all had for the Reunion Dinner ?
it`s the Dragon of year.
Hope the Dragon will be the year giving blessing to all of us with letting all of us passing our Exams with flying colours, Promotions , Wealth ,Health and Lucky.
and this year could be the same thing i will do all over the day, which is making cookies.
Baking has been my passion when i start watching baking programmes on the TV.
I always wanted to bake, because it just make me so happy and that feeling could`nt be expressed by word when you really ''producing'' and eating your own product.
Over the years, i will be making Kuih Kapit , fried '' Bee Hives'' and of course the Almond Slice .
These all I learnt from my friend`s mom which I call her as Ah Mi and also my Granny . Yeah, we are close enough like mother and son.
It is surprisingly that bonding between me and my friend`s mother are close enough even i call her Ah Mi. During the days of visiting her house, i learnt how to make cookies, moon cake and etc . Especially before the Chinese new year, visiting her place is such a fun. Supposed be lending them a hand but end up a chaos, but at the end i did learn something new
This year not the same anyone, I have to work harder and harder due to financial problem. I have been in the ''Market'' for a time, yet din earn much money to spend.
But, during my off day I make some Almond Slice for friends and family even my teacher also bought from me.
WOW, look at this!!!!! It golden !!
This is how it looks after pack!
I really made alot and most of them has been sent out ^ ^